Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What Happens When Dont Treat Herpes

Asbestos : Extended program "Espri" Heavy

The "Espri (Surveillance Epidemiology and independent professionals), directed by the Institut de Veille Sanitaire (INVS) and the Plan social self (RSI) is now extended to the regions Lower and Upper Normandy, Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais. This territorial expansion has continued the device launched in 2005 in Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charentes.
The program's objective is to identify Espri craftsmen may have been exposed to asbestos during their professional career to offer them an assessment of exposure and, depending on the results of their exposure, medical monitoring. It also allows to obtain data on exposure circumstances in the skilled crafts and learn about the health impact in this population. For each newly retired architect, career is revived, which assesses the probability of having been exposed to asbestos or not. A medical evaluation is offered free to individuals for whom exposure to asbestos is detected.
data collected during the pilot phase involving more than 2,000 artisans newly retired in 2004 found that an artisan two retirees has been exposed to asbestos during his career, with an average exposure of 25 years. An abnormality or disease, benign mostly known as having a link with asbestos were found in one quarter of the 300 people who made their full medical record. The extension of the device should clarify these initial results by 2009.


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