Saturday, September 29, 2007

Community Service Letters Of Confirmation



Last weekend, I almost cracked. I almost bought the box of movies for Dragon Ball (Z) at 60 € at FNAC. This was my first DVD AB! Still took a remorse at the last moment, I did not take, hoping that someday I could do by offering a charitable person. This person arrived Wednesday, and I thank her warmly!

What to say of this box? It's worth it aesthetically speaking: good work from Kaze, which is hardly surprising when one sees their own boxes.

As will be strange if I do not criticize a bit, I few comments anyway:

- it would have been wise to encode movies in 16 / 9 since the Japanese had unfortunately decided to add black bars to make history more "film"
- "Z" Zeta has NEVER meant 2, so it's not Dragon Ball 2 "
- Oolong or Pen are earthlings, as Bulma and Yamcha are. It is useless to say that Yamcha is and not put to Oolong when he says a few pages before the Earth has énorment of different races.

The booklet is the point VERY low in this set. By cons I love the postcards that can see the original illustrations without text.

Yeah, sometimes I'm glad it happened to me ^ ^.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


's me, the police !!!!!!

Ah, the sweet autumn days! Today was field trip at the Manga Expo. Nothing special except that the local population was very young, only to ALL activities in a single space with no partition is a challenge, a guest at a conference buyer program, actors and dubbing speak for one hour was difficult and I had a free meal and it can not refuse.

The meal was so frugal: a sandwich, a drink and dessert at a bar. But this is not the most important. The most important thing is that I met Julie Lescaut! It was there before me in the queue with her children dressed as Naruto (how original), waiting patiently to be issued with a ham / butter or blue cheese panini / pie.
I was excited to think that, finally, I was the equal of a person seen by 7 million people each time facing the bar.

Remember this well: we are ALL equal before the bar!

How Do I Do A Combination On My Graphing Calc?

Bloguons useful: The Wizard of Oz

Assia El Ouadie, affectionately renamed Mama Assia is a sacred piece of good woman who dedicates his good vibes to young inmates, bewildered in a universe that is more a series Oz as the musical of the same name.
"Mama" because Mom Zonzon substitution in a world of cold and emotional.

It's hard to imagine a cross between Midnight Express and adolescents, whatever people may say that one foot in childhood, would.
A milkshake probably bitter.

So that we can still try to "include" rendering of this mixture indecent, checkers a look at this video. It does not really refer to Oukacha or her peers, but the universality of the theme that we transfer the pictures slide automatically to the cages for birds of many home.

Warning: Some images are terrible!

For more details on the subject, you can go knocking at Zee Lady, Zazie , Fhamator , Rimbus , The Cheetah ... and read this too.

A vot 'bon heart sir, ladies! :)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Do Nicotine Lozenges Cause Mouth Cancer

Kestu m'causes?

This weekend allowed me to revisit an old friend and go into a frenzy undisguised made verbal evocations of the oval, Portugal, laserdisc in full revival, the SCART port or RGB to improve the image of a HD ready, the "plug-in (there is only one who understood) and lots of other rants certainly pure indigestible anyone who dared to listen.

One point of discussion, however, I cogitate made my few neurons. My dear friend mason, Portuguese forgiveness, reminds me of her immense desperation facing a term well known French lunch now: "It's not true!". I do not insult you will dear reader (yes I do not use the plural for fear of appearing pretentious about the size of my readership) to explain the origin of this expression. What infuriates so my friend at the highest point is the accompaniment of this quote by a small grin accomplice he does not cum, having never watched the program.

is true that television has brought us these Last 20 years many expressions now part of our daily lives:
- it does not concern us
- the gentleman asks you
- what do you call exactly a mouse? (But it was improv, hat the artist!)
- without the knowledge of my own ...

There is still an expression became even more vicious, even sneaky, that the "groundhog"!

So when someone, especially on the net, demonstrated a flagrant bad faith, it is not uncommon to read in the comments below "and marmot ...". So obviously it is even more unclear when one has not seen the advertisement in question, since the full quote is: And the marmot, it puts the chocolate in the tin foil. - But of course! "And that's the phrase that the commentator wanted to write without writing.

Well, as I did not fall in this post I'll leave you, dear reader (always that modesty which characterizes me), make for yourself the way intellectual leading the questioning at the conclusion.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Saree Blouse Design For Dinner

Ippo him to go anywhere else? In

FINALLY! For quite some time, I was waiting Hajime no Ippo kind in France and my dream came true. We can always say that I could read scanlation but I like to read manga on the subway, the bed or toilet, so ...

But what remains the most fun for me is that I read this manga with the voices of the series in the head. It must be said that by dint of the 30 episodes checker existing footprint we keep hearing about the benefits. And finally I know that even by reading the 30th volume, those voices remain in my head.

Even if the manga is 80 volumes, although I'm not sure that all volumes released in France, it is a pleasure to read this manga.

I think eventually one of my biggest frustrations professional (yes, strange as it sounds, I have some!) Has been not able to finish Ippo French. I do not know if this series will return one day but if so I'm not sure that the care we had all contributed to this series will be continued.

Keroro Ca ...

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Blueprints Of A Woodstove

V isit ... Have

Currently NRJ12 returns on one of my favorite series: V! I remember at the time of the first episode I saw, on holiday on TMC: the "interstellar girl" was undergoing its metamorphosis into a cave, becoming adult in a few days. I loved that moment but at the same time it terrified me.

Diana I loved especially the chief of Visitors, as odious as his alter-ego of the human moment: the dastardly JR! The poor man has unfortunately never been more successful later, pursued by his character.
This series was mainly the merit of dealing with the Nazis without even knowing it: so-called friends came in peace, the blacklisting of scientists suspected of plotting a plan to thwart the advance of friendly visitors and min-up aliens on the media, police, politics and nobody finds fault. There is often damage that humans have this ability to quickly forget the past. Finally on the subject, here is a poem by a priest interned during the Second World War reflecting enough about me:

When the Nazis came for the Communists, I said nothing: I was not a Communist
When they locked up the social democrats, I'm you I was not a Social Democrat
they came for the Jews, I said nothing: I was not Jewish
When they searched the Catholics, I said nothing: I was not Catholic
When they came for me, there was nobody to protest

Friday, September 7, 2007

What Episode Of Dbz Does Vegeta Kiss Bulma

fries! Post

is a kind of tribute if you like ...

Vehicle For Accident Diagram

yourself, then there !

What is great with the Post Office is its ability to strike locally for everything and anything. Inevitably it irritates when we go there and only two branches are open on the 6th, when it amuses you are told there is a strike notice in the office every Monday since April!

Then suddenly, when you enter one of these famous Monday in the office, it makes this:
"Hello, there is a strike Today, you come for? For withdrawals and recommended there is a counter at the bottom or you must wait at least 30 minutes. "

I said to all intents and purposes as strike or not, the wait is often 30 minutes so it does not discourage that rarely Jean Dupont queue attenteur professional, we're at the Post Office.

Then comes THE woman. While undermined, his eyes resolutely turned towards the future, knowing before the end of the evening she will go to the hairdresser, the manicurist, the chiropractor because her man has taken as a beast last night and in addition must pass "Chez Paul" because friends go tonight and she knows how to entertain.

From the entrance, it passes behind the queue and is about to join the famous window of the bottom where 4 people already waiting. Note that this queue is the traditional file when everything works. The gentleman who made the movement calls the "Madame, Madame! Where are you? Ago strike today
- Already you will not attack me like that when I arrive and I'm going to stop!
- I do not mind it there is a strike. You need you to put behind them.
- No, I'm going there.
- But it's closed there
- And these people, what they expect then?
- As you wish ma'am. "

The madam joins the 4 people in straddling the velvet rope red bar access to the famous queue, which normally is open. It would make him put a flea in his ear, but nevermind. She gets so into the queue and starts to grumble. The man approached her because he "does not." She also told him dry "I told you, what you meddle? You work for the Post Office or what?"

Hilarity in 2 queues. Meanwhile, a teller told a client to see the problem directly with the agency direteur pointing the finger ... the gentleman usher.
And of course, once the lady arrived at the counter withdrawals, he noted that it is not in the right lane and we told him just now . Therefore obliged to repeat the tail in the space provided.

For once, I am amused at the post office. It was even more amused the teller to free my 11 packages because the automatic postage meter did not accept credit cards ^ ^.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007 Unblocked By Shcool

Dress me in, I tell you nothing!

Well no, I'm not dead! In fact blogging is fun but when you have things to tell that are worth it. Well, now I had not much to tell so I said nothing.
present, personal and professional projects are constantly shoving and frankly it's nice. Say I could not even take holidays. I thoroughly enjoyed the sun in our beautiful City! (I love irony)

Well, at least things are back to normal and I'm going to tell my life from time to time. I just hope that next time when I shall make any criticism, I am not a desperate call at midnight asking me to stop harassing innocent people (yes you responsible, I mean you).

"But is that someone will think of the children!?"