Last weekend, I almost cracked. I almost bought the box of movies for Dragon Ball (Z) at 60 € at FNAC. This was my first DVD AB! Still took a remorse at the last moment, I did not take, hoping that someday I could do by offering a charitable person. This person arrived Wednesday, and I thank her warmly!
What to say of this box? It's worth it aesthetically speaking: good work from Kaze, which is hardly surprising when one sees their own boxes.
As will be strange if I do not criticize a bit, I few comments anyway:
- it would have been wise to encode movies in 16 / 9 since the Japanese had unfortunately decided to add black bars to make history more "film"
- "Z" Zeta has NEVER meant 2, so it's not Dragon Ball 2 "
- Oolong or Pen are earthlings, as Bulma and Yamcha are. It is useless to say that Yamcha is and not put to Oolong when he says a few pages before the Earth has énorment of different races.
The booklet is the point VERY low in this set. By cons I love the postcards that can see the original illustrations without text.
Yeah, sometimes I'm glad it happened to me ^ ^.
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