Late afternoon races today. Normally I never do them on Saturday because I do not like people, but then I had no choice. In the Monoprix where I go, there is ALWAYS the world, anytime, any day.
is 19h, so we are on Saturday, France-New Zealand in 2 hours so no time to lose. Before me, 2 people can IT!
Already we see that it starts to get impatient because she just finished Le Parisien (it will not buy). Now be addressed. It starts with plastic baskets with wheels. It is very Monoprix fashionable 'now:
"But you can not wear it? It made lots of noise on the ground, it's annoying. And then we talk about the environment." (As you drive I' did not understand the scope of the environment).
Speaking to a responsible recognizable by its large cell Spent:
"You can not ask management to stop the music? It gives a headache"
FYI There were so many people that I did not said music. I wonder if she did not confuse it with the bells in my head ...
Finally it has paid its dues to the store. Now have to leave. She then looks around her, obviously trying to store the cart: "We do not know where it is, we do not know what to do."
my old error: You do not know where it is, YOU do not know what you do!
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