Diana I loved especially the chief of Visitors, as odious as his alter-ego of the human moment: the dastardly JR! The poor man has unfortunately never been more successful later, pursued by his character.
This series was mainly the merit of dealing with the Nazis without even knowing it: so-called friends came in peace, the blacklisting of scientists suspected of plotting a plan to thwart the advance of friendly visitors and min-up aliens on the media, police, politics and nobody finds fault. There is often damage that humans have this ability to quickly forget the past. Finally on the subject, here is a poem by a priest interned during the Second World War reflecting enough about me:
When the Nazis came for the Communists, I said nothing: I was not a Communist
When they locked up the social democrats, I'm you I was not a Social Democrat
they came for the Jews, I said nothing: I was not Jewish
When they searched the Catholics, I said nothing: I was not Catholic
When they came for me, there was nobody to protest
When they locked up the social democrats, I'm you I was not a Social Democrat
they came for the Jews, I said nothing: I was not Jewish
When they searched the Catholics, I said nothing: I was not Catholic
When they came for me, there was nobody to protest
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