This weekend allowed me to revisit an old friend and go into a frenzy undisguised made verbal evocations of the oval, Portugal, laserdisc in full revival, the SCART port or RGB to improve the image of a HD ready, the "plug-in (there is only one who understood) and lots of other rants certainly pure indigestible anyone who dared to listen.
One point of discussion, however, I cogitate made my few neurons. My dear friend mason, Portuguese forgiveness, reminds me of her immense desperation facing a term well known French lunch now: "It's not true!". I do not insult you will dear reader (yes I do not use the plural for fear of appearing pretentious about the size of my readership) to explain the origin of this expression. What infuriates so my friend at the highest point is the accompaniment of this quote by a small grin accomplice he does not cum, having never watched the program.
is true that television has brought us these Last 20 years many expressions now part of our daily lives:
- it does not concern us
- the gentleman asks you
- what do you call exactly a mouse? (But it was improv, hat the artist!)
- without the knowledge of my own ...
There is still an expression became even more vicious, even sneaky, that the "groundhog"!
So when someone, especially on the net, demonstrated a flagrant bad faith, it is not uncommon to read in the comments below "and marmot ...". So obviously it is even more unclear when one has not seen the advertisement in question, since the full quote is: And the marmot, it puts the chocolate in the tin foil. - But of course! "And that's the phrase that the commentator wanted to write without writing.
Well, as I did not fall in this post I'll leave you, dear reader (always that modesty which characterizes me), make for yourself the way intellectual leading the questioning at the conclusion.
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