Thursday, October 7, 2010

4mm Polypi In Gallbladder

DISCLAIMER following the EC of 05 October 2010 and of the article Page 3 of 6 October Parisien. THIS SPECIAL MEETING

Point 10 of the agenda of the meeting of the Company dated October 05, 2010 was:

"Deliberation Works for the removal of all the members constituting the Office of Works. "

employee organization that has requested this item, defended his view by pointing out that his wish was "That the ad hoc agent holds the office of Secretary." But, no action plan has been established and no new office was proposed!

But if the office is removed, the Trustee, replacing the Secretary, is also:
The risk at this point, is that the institution is fully paralyzed!
For the agent can always hold this position, a new vote must be done AND nobody should stand for the position (any union confused). Only then can the agent to continue its mission.

Elected officials of the CFTC have therefore voted against for the following reasons:

  • We hope that the appointment of a special trustee as Secretary be done through the removal of the current Secretary of the Works (the only board member for the moment under Judicial Procedure) without resorting to a risky procedure that is meant to be a solution that did not guarantee success,

  • We do not accept that an employee organization mobilizes our elected without even explain his intentions upstream or its objectives,

  • We're only 7 weeks before the elections and the urgency has no reasonable grounds,

  • The arguments we were not convinced of the advisability of this request.

CFTC Politicians are very surprised at the interpretations that have been made about their choice. We are in our right not to agree with the unilateral decisions as we respect among our colleagues.
We regret the choice of the representative of the CFDT, which has expressed without prior consultation with the organizations she wanted to join his cause.
We believe that such proceedings as close election will result in a dispersal of energy and seems to be a matured decision precipitated rather than in concert.

We regret that finally our view has not been considered but just felt like an affront.

is our point of view, we had this explanation for your understanding.


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