past three years, work is performed on the roof of a warehouse, Vertbaudet, Marquette-lez-Lille. With regular measurements of air quality. Last week, an abnormally high asbestos fibers was detected. The building was closed and the regulatory measures taken. Without unemployment technique.Le isolated building is currently a warehouse for storing goods Vertbaudet Catalogue. It is located in Marquette, a suburb of Lille. Union source, fifty employees to perform handling. The roof of the warehouse is being renovated for three years. "We take measurements every two weeks. In three years we've had one rate above all others, "notes Vinciane Beurley, communications director for Vertbaudet. Building closed
"We found the presence asbestos fiber, "she says. At a rate "five times the norm," said Bruno Bernard, departmental delegate of the UNSA. That was last week. On Monday, the building was closed. The employees concerned, who worked at night, were donated by the day shift, still in Marquette. "To all the people who can spend in this area, we propose a medical examination," says the director of communication.Une committee meeting health, safety and working conditions (HSC) site has marquettois held yesterday in the presence inspection work. New measures have been taken, reassuring, say unions and management. "The rates in air and soil are below the income maximum standards," observes Cathy Pederencino, CFDT union delegate. But we asked for more details, we want the subject is extensive. "Where two meetings today and demain.La cause of this peak of asbestos has not been made public. The company is a hypothesis, but intends to verify it. "There will be cleaned of dust by an approved company," says Vinciane Beurley. This goes back to work roof.
"We found the presence asbestos fiber, "she says. At a rate "five times the norm," said Bruno Bernard, departmental delegate of the UNSA. That was last week. On Monday, the building was closed. The employees concerned, who worked at night, were donated by the day shift, still in Marquette. "To all the people who can spend in this area, we propose a medical examination," says the director of communication.Une committee meeting health, safety and working conditions (HSC) site has marquettois held yesterday in the presence inspection work. New measures have been taken, reassuring, say unions and management. "The rates in air and soil are below the income maximum standards," observes Cathy Pederencino, CFDT union delegate. But we asked for more details, we want the subject is extensive. "Where two meetings today and demain.La cause of this peak of asbestos has not been made public. The company is a hypothesis, but intends to verify it. "There will be cleaned of dust by an approved company," says Vinciane Beurley. This goes back to work roof.
Source: http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/
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