Payment will be made over a period of fifteen years beginning in 2019.
chemicals group WR Grace announced on Monday it would pay up to $ 1.8 billion to end complaints about concerning asbestos.
Payment will be made over a period of fifteen years beginning in 2019.
chemicals group WR Grace announced on Monday it would pay up to $ 1.8 billion to end complaints about concerning asbestos.
Payment will be made over a period of fifteen years beginning in 2019.
Half of this amount will be secured on the value of company shares.
Wall Street welcomed the news that cleared the horizon for the group which took the title at the opening almost 9%.
Wall Street welcomed the news that cleared the horizon for the group which took the title at the opening almost 9%.
Source: http://www.latribune.fr/
Sacred Americans! Their industrial poisoners themselves pay the compensation to victims and increase their shares on stock exchanges, while ours who are forced to see their premiums increased ATMP, say they are forced to put the key under the doormat! Do not they take us for ... ?
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