EC of 8 February 2011
1: Presentation of financial results of Euro Disney SCA group for the first quarter of fiscal 2011.
increase of 8% of sales.
promotions will be more interesting the more you reserve in time (eg nights hotel reservations) and less interesting the closer you are to the arrival date in order to optimize the planning and encourage guests to make their plans to advance.
The hotel occupancy rate reached 90%.
A plan to renovate the 5,800 rooms is set up for 7 years.
In 2011 management expects a growth of 7% (confidence), an increase of 10% of sales, 4.9% in hotels and 700 000 more visitors.
Merchandise should remain stable even if increased sales are expected, but there are no plans to increase spending per guest.
Maintenance: a 5 year plan is in place to have a "good visual quality" of buildings. A budget line of € 100 million is set up for this plan which will begin in early March 2011.
2: Presentation of the revised forecast income statement for the year 2011, and the situation of the current assets and liabilities and available due to 30 September 2010 the Group Euro Disney SCA (the first iteration).
Assets is greater than liabilities, the accounts are balanced.
3: Return of documents sent to shareholders in connection with the Annual General Meeting of EuroDisney SCA of 04 March 2011.
Return of documents. Addition of a member of the supervisory board.
4: Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 20, 2010 (document sent by the secretary of the Company by separate mail).
15 voters
yes: 10 no
: 0
abstention: 5
5: Information and consultation of the Works of exceeded the maximum daily Working under the weather.
Request callback instructions to managers:
times are recoverable until March 5.
There were many different instructions depending on the locations for the recovery of hours which generated different treatment between employees. Some rentals have been allowed to make paid, why not pay everyone?.
It is noticed that there is a clear majority of AMA and NMA have exceeded the hours and a minority of NC.
15 voters:
yes: 3 no
: 0
abstention: 12
7: Information the employment situation:
quarterly analysis of the employment situation
Report on remuneration trends
document monthly monitoring of actual
Reading document at the meeting.
8: Information for Members of the works on regulating the amount of subsidies allocated for the operation and to finance social and cultural activities under DADS 2010.
Reading document at the meeting.
9: Proceedings of the EC members on the use of an accountant to analyze the accounts of the company ended September 30, 2010.
Votes: 15
yes: 6 no
: 8
abstention: 1
Refusal of elected officials.
10: Proceedings of the members works in order not to implement, on an exceptional basis and notwithstanding the provisions of Article 13.5 of the Rules of Procedure of the works (tender procedure and intervention of legal counsel for contract approval) under the choice of the expert committee's accounting firm, given the urgency of the accounts committee and the employees.
Diacomex and were seen Ecodia Economic Committee on January 27. Diacomex was chosen representative to this entrprise expressed reservations about its availability. Indeed from the beginning of the bid and now the ETS to Diacomex recovered a "large customer" that will mobilize are effective (2 1 speaker whose accounting) and suddenly Diacomex will only be available for relatively Disney ( About Germaine CISSE).
Germaine CISSE thus requires further deliberation to pass the regulations and simplify the selection of an accountant
Votes: 15
yes: 6 no
: 6
abstention: 3
Refusal of the elected EC. Germaine
hired in the shortest time accountant pending further tender for the choise of the accountant without violating the regulation.
11: Information on the training of the elected council.
The training lasts five days and is charged to the EC (on presentation of invoices).
12: Information for Members of works by the secretary on the malicious damage of private property committed against the council.
January 27 to 17h Germaine Cisse found the burglary of the premises of Baloo and complained to Chessy. Germaine
do not know what was possibly stolen. She asked for a secure local Karine RAYNAUD (who refused, because no local).
This is not the first time the space is fractured, there are boxes of EC but also sports equipment stored.
14: Information about exceeded the maximum daily work on the period from 7 November 2010 to 04 December 2010.
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