Monday, May 12, 2008

Alison Krauss Tour Australia

"Waltz with Bashir" or when the news swirling around Cannes

A 2-day kickoff of the 61st edition of Cannes, the news Middle Eastern unintentionally shines spotlights on one of 22 candidates the Palme d'Or.
At this should be good to call the new Lebanese civil war, supported by other events in the region, the 60th anniversary of the Zionist state, the Israeli animated film "Waltz with Bashir" takes a new turn.

Bashir Who is this? The synopsis and the trailer give us a clear identity.

The story is an autobiography, that of director Ari Folman tells us that a trauma that has hidden for nearly 25 years. Newly enlisted in the IDF for his military service, he finds himself in a fire in Beirut 1982 and blood in the aftermath of the assassination of Bashir Gemayel, the "waltzing" in question.
Folman will be ringside seat for this show was crazy as the first Lebanese war, including the massacre of Sabra and Shatila (subject already discussed here in late 2007). A topical

who plays the story 20 years later on the same banks mediterranneans, an Israeli citizen who is challenging one of the major crimes of the state to which it belongs, Sean Penn and his sensibility 's Law hommienne operates the festival jury, another animated film, Persepolis, rave on the same steps a year earlier ... ...
looking at the following excerpts, you will surely now view the Palm d'Or 2008.


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