The denial of the dangers of asbestos
Claude Allegre is not afraid to asbestos. Since 1976, precisely, the staff of the Jussieu campus in Paris brawl that steps be taken to protect this dangerous fiber that has been used extensively to protect against fire steel structure of this vast building. They found the wider scandal of asbestos were known since the beginning of the century that asbestos fibers cause terrible lung cancer and pleura (mesothelioma), until 50 years after exposure. Thousands of lives are on the horizon, but the industry has managed to keep the lid on the pot. By 1976, the World Health Organization (WHO) ranked asbestos among "certain carcinogenic" to humans.
But a scientist Claude Allegre, say loud and clear that asbestos is not dangerous, pulling his cap numbers and personal theories on the matter, as required nailing the beak of his opponents with the help of arguments as scientific as "not a geologist I am that we will learn what asbestos" (personal memory of a former employee of Jussieu). According to Claude Allegre, asbestos is dangerous at high doses, are in danger to staff working directly in contact. So just "plastered" asbestos Jussieu for stabilize, and basta!
The opinion of scientific
... As usual, the arguments of Allegre is two-pronged: asbestos is not dangerous, and besides, "The risk aversion is the enemy! "(Le Figaro, December 26, 1996). In April 2005 again, in his weekly column in the Express, the researcher denounced "the folly of asbestos," "psychosis created by an irresponsible group of leftists." Allegre, in his column, says, presumably to reassure us, "the numbers of Jussieu: we are counted a dozen deaths, all in contact with asbestos dust at high dose. " And concluded by reaffirming its orthodoxy: "I say and I repeat, low-dose asbestos dust is probably no more dangerous than silica dust that is breathed on the beach." It will be appreciated "probably" coming out "I say and I repeat it."
The subject recently came to remember our good memories, last October, when the Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin published a study by researchers signed INVS (National Institute of Health Surveillance) and INSERM (Institut National Health and medical research). They studied the cases of five people who had no close contact, professional or otherwise, with asbestos (a math teacher, a volcanologist, a physicist, a paleontologist and an engineer in oceanography), but which are nevertheless died of mesothelioma diagnosed between 2001 and 2002.
Is Claude Allegre has something to say? Despite an outcry from the degreaser mammoth, expensive site Jussieu asbestos began in 1997, it could continue until 2010. And since 1997 the use of asbestos is forbidden France.
Claude Allegre is not afraid to asbestos. Since 1976, precisely, the staff of the Jussieu campus in Paris brawl that steps be taken to protect this dangerous fiber that has been used extensively to protect against fire steel structure of this vast building. They found the wider scandal of asbestos were known since the beginning of the century that asbestos fibers cause terrible lung cancer and pleura (mesothelioma), until 50 years after exposure. Thousands of lives are on the horizon, but the industry has managed to keep the lid on the pot. By 1976, the World Health Organization (WHO) ranked asbestos among "certain carcinogenic" to humans.
But a scientist Claude Allegre, say loud and clear that asbestos is not dangerous, pulling his cap numbers and personal theories on the matter, as required nailing the beak of his opponents with the help of arguments as scientific as "not a geologist I am that we will learn what asbestos" (personal memory of a former employee of Jussieu). According to Claude Allegre, asbestos is dangerous at high doses, are in danger to staff working directly in contact. So just "plastered" asbestos Jussieu for stabilize, and basta!
The opinion of scientific
... As usual, the arguments of Allegre is two-pronged: asbestos is not dangerous, and besides, "The risk aversion is the enemy! "(Le Figaro, December 26, 1996). In April 2005 again, in his weekly column in the Express, the researcher denounced "the folly of asbestos," "psychosis created by an irresponsible group of leftists." Allegre, in his column, says, presumably to reassure us, "the numbers of Jussieu: we are counted a dozen deaths, all in contact with asbestos dust at high dose. " And concluded by reaffirming its orthodoxy: "I say and I repeat, low-dose asbestos dust is probably no more dangerous than silica dust that is breathed on the beach." It will be appreciated "probably" coming out "I say and I repeat it."
The subject recently came to remember our good memories, last October, when the Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin published a study by researchers signed INVS (National Institute of Health Surveillance) and INSERM (Institut National Health and medical research). They studied the cases of five people who had no close contact, professional or otherwise, with asbestos (a math teacher, a volcanologist, a physicist, a paleontologist and an engineer in oceanography), but which are nevertheless died of mesothelioma diagnosed between 2001 and 2002.
Is Claude Allegre has something to say? Despite an outcry from the degreaser mammoth, expensive site Jussieu asbestos began in 1997, it could continue until 2010. And since 1997 the use of asbestos is forbidden France.
Source: http://www.bakchich.info/
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