Enclosed is a tribute to a blind that is no longer a radish: Jean-Marie having difficulty in joining the two ends, is being FN sell HQ in Saint-Cloud (see day despatch LCI). It's the end of an era!
So the history of mixing business with pleasure, I give the floor to the late P. Desproges who set Jean-Marie in question in his sights, the time an indictment of anthology. A good court flagrant delusions to laugh at the beard of the inquisitors of all kinds.
So can you laugh with everybody?
- "... It's hard ... Personally, I sometimes snort at the idea of encouraging my cheekbones to tetanization tense. It is sometimes beyond my strength, in some environments humans: the company of a Stalinist practitioner rarely makes me happy. Nearly a terrorist hysteria, I just burst out laughing, and the presence at my side, an activist of the extreme right darkens the common monastic joviality that gladdened that I regretted the way, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you impose daily attendance inexpedient over the austere dress of justice in which I can not tell you ... " ;)
PS out of the blue:
Who wants to wake her child's heart Sleeping Beauty, to see the beautiful poetry on film (if only one gets caught in the game) and assume full his wonder at this candy pink digest, go see Stardust . It's as pretty as any, and a few large clutches of world cinema can be used deposit cinephile to recalcitrant: De Niro is going against the trend, Claire Danes reappeared from behind the fagots, Peter O'Toole is really getting any younger, Rupert Everett will walk 2 seconds-profile cynico proud of my loved person (yes I know he is gay), Michelle Pfffffeifer (cinephile friend, goodbye) is very very naughty and successful facelift, surprise Sienna Miller is actually an actress and not just a clone of Kate Moss (an average actress but an actress anyway) and stuff and stuff.
So the history of mixing business with pleasure, I give the floor to the late P. Desproges who set Jean-Marie in question in his sights, the time an indictment of anthology. A good court flagrant delusions to laugh at the beard of the inquisitors of all kinds.
So can you laugh with everybody?
- "... It's hard ... Personally, I sometimes snort at the idea of encouraging my cheekbones to tetanization tense. It is sometimes beyond my strength, in some environments humans: the company of a Stalinist practitioner rarely makes me happy. Nearly a terrorist hysteria, I just burst out laughing, and the presence at my side, an activist of the extreme right darkens the common monastic joviality that gladdened that I regretted the way, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you impose daily attendance inexpedient over the austere dress of justice in which I can not tell you ... " ;)
PS out of the blue:
Who wants to wake her child's heart Sleeping Beauty, to see the beautiful poetry on film (if only one gets caught in the game) and assume full his wonder at this candy pink digest, go see Stardust . It's as pretty as any, and a few large clutches of world cinema can be used deposit cinephile to recalcitrant: De Niro is going against the trend, Claire Danes reappeared from behind the fagots, Peter O'Toole is really getting any younger, Rupert Everett will walk 2 seconds-profile cynico proud of my loved person (yes I know he is gay), Michelle Pfffffeifer (cinephile friend, goodbye) is very very naughty and successful facelift, surprise Sienna Miller is actually an actress and not just a clone of Kate Moss (an average actress but an actress anyway) and stuff and stuff.
Leave the latest Ken Loach ( It's a free world ) and last Coen Brothers ( No Country for Old Men The ) for the day when the Megarama deign away a little bit of blockbusters, or a brief passage in other lands.
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