Friday, June 25, 2010

Muscular And Skeletal System Of A Toad

negotiating meeting on the stress of June 25, 2010

The phrase of the day, it comes from the direction: "Thought to have on the workload of local management teams."

To better assist employees in pain: The management asks unions to make proposals. Some organizations around the table were proposals. CFTC officials do not understand that we can offer solutions to problems that were only partially identified. Again, management is content as always to solve problems piecemeal.

Better accompany changes in scope: Management proposes to introduce project managers to scope changes. CFTC officials demand to know the definition attached to the words "scope changes". We all ask the same questions: Who? When? How? Where? What? It rewinds! The management told us that "Who": the project manager.

On using outstanding employees, representatives CFTC can not help but question the role of HR staff. Certainly they are not the only players and they have a significant administrative burden. It seems that this burden placed on the staff, they forget they are also guaranteed in their field of good social climate in their institution and enterprise.

When the direction you it will cease to impose changes to operations personnel? Before imposing, do not you have to consult people will change their working method. Employees of the company: it is individuals who are, day after day, present on their desktop, ready to face any eventuality so that the company could reap profits. Employees of company are not against change, but appreciate the changes to them value their work and improve their working condition nt.

Stress also seems to take a vacation? Following the "negotiation" on stress will resume in September. Oh, we forgot to tell you ... we are "promising" potential audit results ... so, expected numbers of the ratings!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Toad's Muscular System

protocol negotiation electoral

So here it is finished.
After the last 2 meetings on 3 and 17 June, the management has tried to impose two-year terms but the unions have remained firm and the coup leadership has had to backtrack and accept 4-year mandate.
Great lesson for when the unit is made, it is our strength: a lesson for those too often throw themselves on their pens and sign sometimes too fast.

The redistricting created a 16th establishment named "Integration Products."

CFTC officials have sought ways for management to be able to prepare, together, these elections in the best conditions. If we
"social partners", it does not exceed writing the agreement that says so because in fact he had the means to wrest the leadership that has allowed only 20 days of additional training, This year, instead of the 50 requested and nothing else .

The elections will be:

On 23 November for the first round and
On December 9 the 2nd round

Friday, June 18, 2010

Mount And Blade 1010 1011

negotiating session man / woman of 18 June 2010

management again by a subtle interplay of syntax, does evoke the articles of the Labour Code. Thinking, as it negotiates with the social partners and is open to new proposals within the agreement. Indeed, many articles of the agreement, supposedly 's proposals employer, are not progress, but already the legal provisions of the Labour Code, which equals the legal minimum: "Who can do more can do less!"

Management believes that the relationship life family and professional life to its limits. The management refuses to make a commitment to meet the demands of trade unions on this issue and makes clear that organizations have a utopian vision of corporate life. Given this situation, should remind us that in the evolution of the modern industrialized world, is the work that adapts to humans and not the man who must adapt work (according to the Labour Code). We are no longer in the era of Taylorism, or "Modern Times Charlie Chaplin. CFTC calls on the direction of Disneyland Paris to see the reports and analysis of sociologists, to be in tune with the times. If the consumption pattern has changed the psychology of the family did the same, we believe that it is the same in the business world. Stop having the primary objective, the profitability at the expense of company employees.
We do not have a philosophical agreements or utopian, far away. We want you to add frames to your chords a reflection of psychological and sociological factors that would be beneficial for all employers and employees.
Do we think that your management function and goals of profitability you away from "real life"? Remember that an employee in good health, knows given a lot and contributes greatly to the "good health" of the company.
Other countries and companies are already on this level of reflection, and have adapted to this end. This leads us to believe that Disney values are pure utopia. The finding, our Relationship Manager is our new social Calamity Jane, it shoots faster than his shadow, "No, no, no, I do not give in!".

Friday, June 4, 2010

Diverticulitis Surgery And C Diff

negotiation meeting gender equality gender equality

We are moving slowly, ... the same observations were made by the representatives CFTC in 2010 compared to 2009, the same outline solutions are data management. Basically nothing changed except the fact that management strives to create a draft agreement that would commit to measures to move towards a professional equality and equity. CFTC officials be attentive to the results of these commitments Management.

The "life" or "family status" employees seem to be taken into account by management. Meanwhile, representatives CFTC find that management prefers to promote the words "life" rather than "family life" in the agreement; representatives CFTC can not help to question the real commitment displayed by management in terms of this agreement. To achieve a balance and will prove the success of this new agreement, representatives CFTC said that the company can no longer pretend, not to give importance, to balance family and professional life of each employee.