But who's afraid of Batman? Henceforth, the greater world. The comic book hero becomes, in one episode, a character banned, one of the ghosts of Gotham City, who falls from his pedestal and we end up calling, hoping not to see it come to the image of Candyman a mirror before us.
Demigod course, but in this episode especially half-mortal, with the entire cohort of doubts of fallible incorruptible, and far from being the central character.
Batman appears here long pallid face this deadly master of the joke that is the Why-so-serious Joker face and the face-off Face Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart is good but hard to make us forget his ideal son-side). They are the real Dark Knights, and the film a 360 degree turn to the definition of morality.
Christian Bale was nevertheless a beautiful siphon Patrick Bateman, a role he is a psychopath in American Psycho with a pitch is finer than what we present here.

The Oscar winner is shared by the poster. Eric Roberts is once more (too?) A gangster, Maggie Gyllenhal lack the pizzazz it had Secretary maso, his role as Batman's Achilles heel is moderately exploited, and Morgan Freeman never leaves addition to his roles as wise old men ... But Gary Oldman
(3rd british film with Michael Caine and C. Bale) and Mr. Caine camp class with their role as cheerleaders of virtue alone or risky.
Truce tralala, Apocalypse Now! We wait impatiently for the arrival of fireworks, which is more here of the mushroom cloud, dark knight true of this album, I appointed The Joker.
So Joker ... Joker ... Joker ... Joker ... Joker, the one whose name is chanted in front of our mirror, hoping he, the show quickly appear to put a ladle of chili in good feelings insipid.
Heath Ledger, who by the chaos that happens and the death knell of the interpretation of Nicholson.
His Joker reminds us all of these villains or ambiguous hero who haunted the film: The of Crow (with Brandon Lee, who also bequeathed his will unconsciously drive, as it disappeared into filming) Alex in Clockwork Orange .

New era, new manners. This new Joker is obviously also a wicked face a Jafaar Aladdin on his magic carpet, but it is much harder for evil to hate. Too easy.
It is that balance comes from the evil that justifies Well, whoever undermines belief right-thinking to better anchor, who created the mess to learn how to enjoy the Order, it is the Supreme Anarchist ... and whoever has the best valves! Look
sloppy fashion a Vivienne Weswood ( this article justifying my reasoning ), making him a Hero Punk Curt Cobain, Sid Vicious, the Cure or not disavow. Scarecrow classy, he faces the Justice League of America that Batman and Dent (1st part of the film) are great. His face is as battered as boringly perfect is that of Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent, and his smile Killer Clown is one who takes nothing seriously and laughs to see a city-hero and his puppet switch as fast in chaos under his evil sticks Master of Puppets (note the resemblance Lars Ulrich, drummer of Metallica).
Moreover, the explanation for its laaarge smile remains a mystery. They give some good explanations when the inevitable villain monologue service, but that believe: Why so serious, or that of her husband madly in love?
Since we are still in a comic adaptation of the show is largely the game.
At first plane, Gotham, Sin City, a crime magnet, filmed here in the beautiful and sultry Chicago. Recognizable from 1000, it has perhaps been selected for his symbol in the collective imagination of capital rose from the prohibition, struggles between gangsters notorious Al Capone type, vs. the Untouchables notorious type Eliott Ness? It also has the benefit of all its buildings with breathtaking views and roofs are practical for flying in the dark, dark, dark, dark etc etc ...
And we feast my eyes off the scenes of Batman, vroom vroom few prosecutions Joker vs. Batman (note a reversal of a tractor-trailer that will be remembered), and special effects to show us the impressive " wrong profile "of Harvey Dent!
Those who have yielded to the call sirens of the translation of comic cinema, worthy of the name, came out rather amazed. It became a huge hit in worldwide box office should not move away from it ... The majority has sometimes good taste.
PS: kamehameha fans know the upcoming release of the film adaptation of Dragon Ball Z . At first glance, the turnip is looming on the horizon, but time will tell.
And to finish on a less evil smile, there will always Wall-E, a small doe-eyed robot whose Eveeeee décochent we certainly smiles more softened. It's very cute, without ounce of perversity and they're just as much delight ... anxiously awaiting the heroine cavorting Happy-Go-Lucky.